The Newness Effect in Market Research

The Newness Effect in Market Research

Last week, our CEO and Founder presented a webinar on “The Newness Effect,” a topic that has recently created a lot of buzz in our industry. It is important to understand and gain insight on The Newness Effect as it is the way we can connect the dots between implicit...
The Trust Economy: How is the pandemic shaping consumers?

The Trust Economy: How is the pandemic shaping consumers?

For the past four years, including this time during the pandemic, InsightsNow® has been tracking a group of consumers we call Clean Label Enthusiasts™. This proprietary research community consists of a group of people who look at ingredients on the front and back...
Designing More Inclusive Research: Webinar

Designing More Inclusive Research: Webinar

This past month, our August InsightsNow webinar dug into how to work to design market research that supports diversity, equity and inclusion and results in more representative insights that can better serve decisions for target audiences. We were thrilled to run a...