Behavioral strategies for contextual relevance.
I want to …

Understand consumers & markets to select the best opportunities to fill my pipeline
Engage with targets to identify behavioral whitespace in moments of use

Create impactful concepts to move my pipeline forward
Co-create with targets to build concepts that are “familiar with a twist”

Translate my product concept into a rewarding product experience
Create memorable product experiences by including twists that go beyond liking

Identify opportunities to better market and/or renovate my product for growth
Benchmark product experiences at the shelf to identify growth opportunities through marketing or product changes

Create impactful messaging & claims on package to achieve growth objectives
Refine messaging and claims to attract non-users and increase share at the shelf

Renovate product lines to align with brand positioning & deliver against promised claims
Identify brand fingerprints & product cues for product-brand alignment to build renovations that signal messaging and claims