Embracing a ‘Fail Fast’ Mindset for Innovation

Embracing a ‘Fail Fast’ Mindset for Innovation

How often in life do you win big by breaking things?

December 9, 2022

Moderator:   Kayte Hamilton, Director,

Panelists:  Mimi Sherlock, Leader Global Consumer Intelligence – Nourish, IFF; Cheryl Stella Dalisay, President, Stellar Strategic Services, Inc.

Short of carnival games, this concept may seem out of place in the traditional business sense.

Achieving successful innovation has more than one potential path to follow. One thing is guaranteed — failure is expected — and should be part of the new product development strategy. However, how that failure manifests within your team can make all the difference in the process. Is your team chasing ideas or being inspired by insight? Are you training to fail for a better reward? The difference likely impacts the approach you take to validate the strength the new product will have in the market.

In this panel, join us as we discuss strategies that can be used to fail faster as a unit. We will review a recent project with IFF regarding a new concept for modern wellness consumers. Topics will include everything from the challenges of accepting failure to the new product development initiatives, overcoming consumer perceptions for ideas that don’t yet exist, choosing innovation partners, establishing consumer research designs, and overall how to be agile when your team is in a completely new-to-the-world product space.

Kayte Hamilton

Kayte Hamilton

Director, InsightsNow

Mimi Sherlock

Mimi Sherlock

Leader Global Consumer Intelligence - Nourish, IFF

She is responsible for building a strong foundation of actionable consumer intelligence with trend-driven analysis, strong market and consumer insight, and rich data analytics that are used to inspire action, fuel short- and long-term innovation, and guide IFF product design™. Mimi has worked holds a Master’s Degree in Food Science from the University of Minnesota and recently co-authored a book called “Once Upon an Innovation, A Business Storytelling Guidebook for Creative Problem Solving.  

Cheryl Stella Dalisay

Cheryl Stella Dalisay

President, Stellar Strategic Services, Inc

Stellar Strategic Services, Inc. provides exceptional qualitative and quantitative research services for a multitude of industries. As a truly collaborative, strategic partner, Cheryl and her team’s vast experience and skills contribute to creative research solutions that drive business decisions, most notably in the innovation space.