Connecting the dots between implicit emotional impact and behavioral disruption
Presented October 21, 2021
Presenter: Dave Lundahl, CEO
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It takes more than “Liking” to win. Nothing counts more than winning the shopping choice moment – especially repeat choice. Product research often includes choice metrics such as purchase intent, forced choice and ranking. These metrics are typically used in making business decisions. However, they are generated while participants are in product usage moments, whereas choices in reality are in shopping moments. This can lead to inaccurate results and heightened risk in making ill-informed decisions.
Join us and learn about alternative metrics that add shopping context to your product research to improve your innovation or renovation decision making.
Your takeaways?
- How to better target innovation opportunities through shopper engagement
- How to assess the impact of a product concept on shoppers’ chooses against a competitive set of alternatives
- How and why to add context to your choice assessments
- How to validate the behavioral impact of sensory product renovations on shopper choices
The ability to predict how a new product will disrupt behavior of individual consumers or a product category is a powerful decision tool. The newness effect is a a set of metrics that can be used to gauge and predict LIFT, a measure of how a new product disrupts a whole product category.
This effect is based on some unique behavioral measures of Trust, Relevance, Uniqueness and Emotional impact. TRUE is more than the sum of it’s parts.
Using the 2019 impact of Beyond Burger as a case study, this webinar will demonstrate how the newness effect predicts category impact.