One of our favorite events is the biennial Society of Sensory Professionals
(SSP) Conference, and we will be there. However, instead of heading out to see all our clients, colleagues and friends face-to-face, we are heading to our home offices to see virtually everyone we’ve been missing October 28 through November 5. The event theme this year is 20/20 Vision and Beyond and we hope to explore, along with you all, the sensory field in some deep and interesting ways. We will be leading an interactive learnshop on how our field is adapting to COVID. To find out more information about the conference, please visit:
Things we are looking forward to at the conference include the SSP Scavenger Hunt, where teams will search for common items around the home office. The team that completes the list first wins the game, and we hope we can be on the winning team! Also, we always enjoy the poster sessions, and are confident the online version of the poster sessions will be just as captivating. The event culminates with the SSP Evergreen Award presentation. After the awards presentation, we get an update on the state of the SSP, plus get to meet the new slate of officers who will serve on the Executive Committee for the next two years.
What we are most looking forward to at the SSP Conference is our very own Sarah Kirkmeyer, InsightsNow’s Senior Director of Client Partnerships, who will lead a highly interactive learnshop on “Tracking COVID-19: How Sensory Scientists are Adjusting Research to Align with Changing Consumer Behaviors.” We all know the global pandemic has significantly changed human behavior, and Sarah has assembled a fantastic group who will help us all explore options that can truly work for consumer research right now. It’s true that Sensory Scientists have had to adapt in many ways to gain understanding of the impact of our current times, with product and consumer insights being more valuable than ever! Everything from consumer trends to business process, to cultivating hope during the pandemic will be covered in this workshop. Come join us to participate in expanding our understanding of the impact of COVID-19 and the challenges and opportunities facing the Sensory Science community.
Make sure you sign up!