Let’s experience and shape the future of sensory!
The Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium only comes along every two years, and we make sure we are there to both talk about the latest and greatest in sensory research and learn about the latest and greatest in sensory research. Here’s what we are up to this coming week:
Learn-shop 6: Incorporating modes of thinking into your sensory and consumer studies
Thursday, 1st August, 2019, 08:30 – 10:30, Location: Lowther
Join us for an engaging, interactive Learn-shop where you will experience the future of sensory. We will cover implicit/explicit association, prospective thinking through play, and gamification to understand and better predict behavior through sensory studies.
Instructors: Dave Lundahl, Greg Stucky and Sarah Kirkmeyer (InsightsNow), with Christopher Simmons, Nathalie Janin, Caroline Withers, Carolina Chaya, Roberto Salas, Mackenzie Hannum
Poster Session 2 #196: When can you trust the implicit nature of CATA?
Wednesday, 31st July, 2019, 16:10 – 18:00, Location: Lennox Suite
As we aim to engage with consumers more behaviorally, learn with us about the advantages of a timed survey for implicit/explicit reactions versus CATA and how to leverage for making business decisions.
Authors: Sarah Kirkmeyer and Greg Stucky (InsightsNow)
We hope to connect with you at Pangborne, or let’s set up a call for when we return!