Navigating Brand Expansion: Following Your Sensory Fingerprint

Navigating Brand Expansion: Following Your Sensory Fingerprint

Event:  On-Demand  

How do you extend your brand into new categories successfully?  The first step is to ensure you stay true to the brands sensory fingerprint.
Brands don’t grow if they are not able to expand into new spaces. Yet many brands fail miserably when they try to do this. In this session we will review how to take a brand from where it is today with its current sensory fingerprint and grow it into new spaces through innovation.

We’ll talk through a brand expansion story. One you probably have never heard about, and I bet will surprise you (Hint – think…..cinnamon rolls). 


Your takeaways?

    • How to leverage your current sensory fingerprint in new moments within the category.
    • How to identify/evaluate category growth options for your brand.
    • How to extend your sensory fingerprint as you expand into new categories while not losing your brand identify.


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Greg Stucky

Greg Stucky

Chief Research Officer
