This year, you have a role to play in Santa’s magical journey!

We’re on a mission to find the perfect holiday beverage that provides the benefits Santa needs at key moments in his epic journey. Using our patented Implicit/Explicit Test™, we will create the ideal drinks to help Santa along the way. To prepare you for this exciting challenge, let’s take a closer look at Santa’s whimsical Christmas journey, focusing on the key moments of preparation, adventure, and respite.

Click on each Moment to see what benefits Santa needs at that time. 

The Preparation

Gearing up for the Journey

The Adventure

Santa's Sleigh Ride

The Respite

Welcoming Santa Home

Your Mission –
The Holiday Beverage Challenge

Santa’s whimsical Christmas journey is a tale of preparation, adventure, and rest. Each moment is filled with magic and hard work. And this year, you have a role to play. Your mission is to define the perfect holiday beverage that provides the benefits Santa needs at each leg of his epic journey. Using our patented Implicit/Explicit Test™, let’s create the ideal drinks for Santa!