New White Paper on Applying Neuromarketing to Enable Better Product Marketing, Development and Innovation
Behavioral research firm InsightsNow releases white paper exploring neuromarketing techniques and The Implicit/Explicit Test™
20 October 2020 – Portland, OR – InsightsNow, a behavioral research firm, has released a new white paper focusing the science of human behavior in the applied field of neuromarketing research, specifically
on applications relevant to product developers, marketers and innovators. The paper also covers the company’s proprietary Implicit/Explicit Test™, a methodology that identifies what mode of thinking is being applied by a given research study participant at the point of response. The paper, “The Implicit / Explicit Test: Applying Neuromarketing to Enable Better Product Marketing, Development and Innovation,” was created to provide information on the limitations and usage of neuromarketing research tools and clarify common points of confusion and misconceptions.
“There are many complexities associated with neuromarketing tools we currently use in the market research field,” says Greg Stucky, Chief Research Officer at InsightsNow. “Here we outline how to apply behavioral frameworks, and new ways to do implicit testing, to get to the real truths behind consumer behavior – so that marketing and products can meet greater success with target audiences.”
The paper covers:
- Behavioral frameworks from InsightsNow called Modes of Thinking™ and Behavior Pyramid™ that illustrate pathways frameworks for application of neuromarketing techniques.
- Prime target response techniques such as Fast Direct, Implicit Association Test (IAT), Indirect Priming, and Affect Misattribution Procedure (AMP).
- Neuro-physiological techniques such as Biometrics, Brain Scans and Facial Expression Testing.
- The InsightsNow Implicit/Explicit Test™— a patent-pending approach to implicit testing that begins with a calibration of the cut-off time for a fast, implicit reaction for each person.
- Specific behavioral research solutions based on the information provided in the paper for marketers and product developers.
You can access the paper “The Implicit / Explicit Test: Applying Neuromarketing to Enable Better Product Marketing, Development and Innovation,” by InsightsNow’s Dave Lundahl and Greg Stucky here.
About Author Dr. David Lundahl, CEO & Founder, InsightsNow
Dr. Dave Lundahl is passionate about fostering innovation to create a cleaner, healthier, happier world. He is an entrepreneur—founding companies that follow this passion by providing consumer insights for faster and more successful innovation. Dave has held many industry leadership positions, written for various publications, and is sought for speaking engagements on topics that align with his passions. He served as a professor working in food product innovation at Oregon State University before starting InsightsNow in 2003. Dave holds a Master of Science degree in Statistics and a Doctorate in Food Science & Technology.
About Author Greg Stucky, CRO, InsightsNow
Greg Stucky has focused his career on the development of new methods, techniques and services for research innovations. His deep experience in the application of consumer behavior to product innovation has garnered industry attention and awards, with work featured in Harvard Business Review, The LA Times, ESOMAR World, and other industry publications. Greg has pioneered cue signals research, an approach where identifying product cues which motivate specific behaviors helps develop successful new products and brands. At InsightsNow, he is responsible for the growth of new business initiatives. Greg holds a master’s degree in food science and technology from Oregon State University.