Sprints, Iterations and Feedback Loops:

Sprints, Iterations and Feedback Loops:

  An Agile Approach to Research As a research consultant focusing on product innovation and development, I do my best to maintain a pulse on new market entries and corporate initiatives. And hardly a day goes by when the word “innovation” doesn’t cross my radar,...
Cues Approach Boost New Product Survival

Cues Approach Boost New Product Survival

Tap the power of your consumers’ fast decision by understanding the benefits your product cues signal to buyers and optimizing them for the moments of product use. Translate product benefits into design elements that increase your products’ success in...
Capturing the Implicit Mind

Capturing the Implicit Mind

QUANTITATIVE FRAGRANCE IMAGERY BY FREE ASSOCIATION [gview file=”https://www.insightsnow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Technical-Paper.Journal-A_Quantitative-Fragrance-Imagery-by-Free-Assoc._by-R.DiCasoli-G.Stucky-K.Wiacek.pdf”]
Implicit Testing and Product Acceptance

Implicit Testing and Product Acceptance

Approach or Avoid: Implicit Testing Research to help companies make faster, more informed clean label decisions requires accurate prediction of behavior reactions—approach or avoid—to branded products with given claims and ingredient labels. Asking a research...