Join us on Wednesday, May 20th at 2:30PM ET for the CPGMatters Spring 2020 Virtual LEAD Conference where we will be giving a presentation of “The Future of Clean Living; a Peak into Changes in Purchases and Behaviors in the face of COVID-19 ”.
Register so you can hear more about how the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted consumers, companies and the markets they serve.
Pre-pandemic clean living has been a key driver of consumer behavior across the spectrum of fast-moving consumer goods. Will this trend continue into a post pandemic new normal? This presentation will provide actionable insights into this question.
Insights will be provided from a unique tracker into the behaviors and motives of primary shoppers from a community of Clean Label Enthusiasts®. The talk will also offer some foresight into what might be the future of clean living. This session will be led by our Chief Research Officer, Greg Stucky.
Bring your questions!
The Spring 2020 Virtual LEAD Marketing Conference is produced and hosted by CPGMatters. Sessions covering all aspects of LEAD (Loyalty, Engagement, Analytics, and Digital Applications) will be presented between 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, May 20th.
Register HereAs a virtual conference, attendees can enjoy the live, interactive presentations from the comfort of their own office or home. You have the option of attending the entire day-long event, or simply log in for our session. Additionally, all sessions will be recorded and made available to conference registrants for on-demand playback at a later date.
We hope you can join us!
Learn more about the InsightsNow Clean Label Enthusiasts-Covid-19 Behavior Tracker: